Why We Don’t Use Diesel at DinoBus

DinoBus sign at GSE Expo EuropeThe array of DinoBus models available to airports do not use diesel engines for their function- and here’s why.

Diesel is no longer truly sustainable—or advantageous. In the news and in cities all over the world, we are

 consistently seeing more and more discourse revolving around electric vehicles and their implementation. As the

 world actively shifts toward greener solutions of public transport, it’s clear that diesel buses, wherever they are operating, won’t be the best option in the EU after the Green Deal initiative takes full effect.

Here’s what we’re seeing:  

Growing support for eGSE in airport operations. 

Evidently, from attending events such as GSE Expo Europe and the annual GHI conference, it is safe to say that the aviation industry has given electric ground support equipment a proper place at the roundtable. And just as aviation becomes a greater industry year after year, battery powered vehicles won’t become any less relevant. By now, many European airports are integrating charging infrastructure that will serve vehicles for years to come; comfortably aligning with EU green energy initiatives.


Dinobus directors at GHI Conference meeting

Stricter emission regulations making diesel costly and outdated. 

Projections are already being made that electric buses can overtake traditional diesel fuel units in terms of cost savings. It may seem like a tie, or even a close second, but that’s not the general projection for the upcoming years, according to several sources. Equally important is the consideration of operational costs, maintenance, and charging. Airports are collectively on the path to lowering not just carbon emissions, but costs as well. A large part of this pathway was set by policies in the European Union pertaining to the Green Deal initiative. Governments are urging in a new wave of EV’s that are here to stay.


Shuttle bus wheel

We’re predicting that the question will no longer be diesel versus electric. In the upcoming few years, the question will turn to electrification of operations both in cities and in airports.

In times of change, such as the current movement of electric vehicles, welcoming new technology is the most efficient way to stay ahead. Switching to an electric DinoBus takes the stress out of electrification. With fast delivery, full support, and real savings. If you have any inquiries or would just like to learn more about our bus models, reach out to any of our directors through the contacts page.